Using Docker to run WordPress locally can be a huge time savings, especially when working on multiple projects. Learn the best practices for using Docker to run local WordPress instances.
What Is First Input Delay?
First Input Delay is a web performance metric that measures how long after a user does something on a page before the page responds to that action. The user may click a link, type a key, initiate a scroll, or interact in any other way, but they expect the page to immediately do the action
Better WordPress Meta Boxes with React
Learn how to make better WordPress meta boxes using React. The meta box will look and feel just like core WordPress.
What Is First Contentful Paint?
First Contentful Paint (FCP) is a web page speed metric that measures how long a web page takes to start rendering content to the screen.
WordPress Plugin Development: Best Practices
Creating an initial WordPress plugin is easy. Structuring a complex plugin is hard. Learn how to do it right.
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What Is The Largest Contentful Paint?
Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) is a website page speed metric and one of Google’s three Core Web Vitals.
What Does ‘Above the Fold’ Mean For Web Pages?
Any article you read about web performance will inevitably contain the term ‘above the fold’ to describe initial page content.
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