
Of course, we use our own product for the Mindspun website. Makes for a great case study!

This site was built with Elementor. As one of the earliest drag and drop site builders for WordPress, Elementor makes site design and maintenance super easy, with no coding skills required. It’s been used to create over 6 million websites.

This ease of use comes at a price though. Elementor – and really ALL page builders – have gained something of a reputation for generating websites that don’t score particularly well with Google’s Core Web Vitals. To make matters worse, it’s difficult to fix the performance issues of sites made with page builders, due to their inherent what-you-see-is-what-you-get nature.

Mindspun fixes this. And you can see the “before” and “after” results live.

The ‘before’

You can see the original Mindspun site as WordPress generates it here: mindspun.host. That site looks exactly like the main site, but performs very differently.

Here is the Lighthouse score for the original Mindspun homepage on mobile. Not terrible compared to some other sites, but not great either.

Lighthouse performance score "after"

The ‘after’

Here is the lighthouse score for our homepage when its performance is managed by Mindspun. Much better!

Lighthouse performance score "after"


We were able to optimize our own site from the low-70s to the mid-90s without any additional work. And when Google inevitably makes changes to what they require of sites, Mindspun will automatically incorporate the changes to your site.

When you have Mindspun manage the performance of your WordPress site, you can continue to take advantage of the site builder’s conveniences without sacrificing performance.

Still not convinced? Try it yourself!